Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Free Tickets for LondonAware '08

Please join us at LondonAware '08 - "Green Ideas for Everyday Living" - with these free tickets courtesy of the organizers and LowCarbonEconomy.com.

This promises to be one of the most exciting events of the year, with thousands of people and businesses under one roof in the Barbican centre, London on the 10th-11th May.

LowCarbonEconomy.com are proud to be main sponsors of the event, we hope that you will be able to attend and to meet us there if we haven't met before.

Please leave comments on this post, or email us for your free tickets. There aren't many though, so don't delay - when they're gone, they're gone.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'll have a free ticket! Should give us a good chance to catch up as well and I can finally grab five minutes to join your site.

